Thursday, September 6, 2012

To Quit or Not to Quit, That is the Question

The gender of my baby is... drum roll please... I have no clue. My baby is definitely mine and my exes. There is no if, and or but about it. I went in for an ultra sound yesterday, to find out the gender and to check on all the vital things. Well, my baby who doesn't ever like to sleep decided yesterday morning would be a good time to sleep in. Yay me, not really. So I am laying there and the ultra sound technician is killing me with the pushing, poking and prodding to get what she needs. But, there is one problem - my baby was curled up in the fetal position. Not where a normal 20 week old baby would be normally sleeping; no my baby is odd and likes to sleep and stay where a 10 week old fetus stays. Which is a problem in itself I guess. Well the person doing the ultra sound decided, we should wake the baby up and get what we need once it's awake. I, immediately, say, "Don't you dare wake the baby up." She just looked at me and proceeded to try and wake the baby up. Causing even more pain for me, by literally taking pushing as hard into my stomach making it feel like I was being punched over and over in the stomach. I am wincing and telling her to stop and leave the baby alone, she isn't going to get what she wants anyway. The silly woman didn't listen to me. She woke my baby up, and oooooh they were not happy. She gets close to a picture she needed, and the baby would move, and this went on for a good ten minutes before she finally decided I just needed to come back next week to get what they needed, as the baby isn't cooperating.

Well, I could have told her that... oh wait, I did. She didn't want to listen to me. I am sorry, but the baby is inside me and part of me. I know the dad and I know me; the baby wasn't going to be happy being woken up, and they most certainly were not going to cooperate after being woken up. Which of course means I need to go back next week and have another one done, and hopefully this time I will be able to inform people what the gender is.
That's my interesting baby story. Yet, that's not why I have the question of whether to quit or not. My job has been getting to me (as if my ex isn't enough drama.) It really sucks when you feel like you are being discriminated against for being pregnant. Especially when it is a non-profit company that is suppose to be helping people in the community that can't help themselves. I do a relatively self-less job, I am a caregiver and that's everything in which you think it includes. I work my ass off, and apparently they even say that I am one of their best workers - yet I don't seem to be getting any hours, unless I bring HR into it. Which no one should have to do. And when do people feel they need to come off as if they are better than me. And don't ever threaten me with a court case of defamation of character if I go to the Human Rights Commission because all that means is that you are guilty of something and you don't wish to admit it.

That's what's happening. It has gotten to the point where I am now don't have a choice anymore. I need to go to the Human Rights Commission, which is going to just cause me even more drama. I don't need the stress - but when you go from working 35 hours with benefits, down to 9 hours without benefits a week within 1 month, there is a problem. I won't go into anymore details, just it makes me really think about quitting my job. For I know if a case is filed against them, my time will be limited in said job. =( So to quit or not to quit, that is the question.

I could go on about what my ex has doesn't now, but I am truly just too tired and hungry to go on about that drama. Maybe later in the week I will post about his non-sense some more. But for now I am off to go eat and take a small nap.

Remember, when life gives you lemons - cut them in half and squeeze the lemon juice in life's eye =)


  1. Ugh. I would file the complaint. Because it's hard enough being employed with a baby on the way, but finding another job? All but impossible. Good luck with whatever you choose. I'll be watching for a gender announcement. :)

    1. As soon as I know, you will too =) I just sent my paperwork in, because not it is getting hostile or so it is coming across. Everything is my fault now. I am not doing something right. I am off to go and apply to places and try to keep my faith in humanity.
